5/6 Mar 2023


To celebrate the 50th pelagic seabird trip out to The Petrel Station, we went out on Sunday and Monday for two great days of stunning seabirds (offshore from Tutukaka in northern New Zealand). Conditions on both days were overall fine, with a good steady 15kn+ wind throughout the day, and a solid 2m swell.

Some of the highlights of the trips were:

  • 2 Black-winged Petrels

  • The discovery of a new Grey Noddy (Ternlet) roost on an offshore rock pinnacle, and a new record sighting of 225 Grey Noddy in total!!

On the 5th March the trip we encountered 16 seabird species, and on the 6th March trip we had 18 seabird species. The full species list is below. Over the 2 days we enjoyed watching over 15,000 stunning seabirds in total.

Here’s the full trip results from both days:

5th MARCH 2023:

  • 1 x White-capped Albatross

  • 8 x White-faced Storm-Petrel

  • 40 x New Zealand Storm-Petrel

  • 75 x Cook's Petrel

  • 6 x Pycroft's Petrel

  • 15 x Black Petrel

  • 145 x Flesh-footed Shearwater

  • 2 x Fairy prion

  • 7,500 x Buller's Shearwater

  • 350 x Fluttering Shearwater

  • 375 x Australasian Gannet

  • 54 x Grey Ternlet

  • 120 x White-fronted Tern

  • 350 x Red-bill Gull

  • 6 x Black-backed Gull

  • 42 x Pied Shag

6th MARCH 2023:

  • 1 x White-capped Albatross

  • 15 x White-faced Storm-Petrel

  • 40 x New Zealand Storm-Petrel

  • 95 x Cook's Petrel

  • 5 x Pycroft's Petrel

  • 2 x Black-winged Petrel

  • 18 x Black Petrel

  • 140 x Flesh-footed Shearwater

  • 1 x Sooty Shearwater

  • 5,250 x Buller's Shearwater

  • 60 x Fluttering Shearwater

  • 2 x Common-diving Petrel

  • 450 x Australasian Gannet

  • 225 x Grey Ternlet

  • 150 x White-fronted Tern

  • 240 x Red-billed Gull

  • 2 x Black-backed Gull

  • 53 x Pied Shag

Other marine life included:

  • 1 x Hammerhead Shark

  • 2 x Manta Ray

  • 40 x Common Dolphin

  • 1 x Sunfish

  • 3 x Flying Fish

  • 3 x NZ Fur Seal


18 Mar 2023


17 Feb 2023