25 Apr 2023


Had a great start to The Petrel Station autumn season out on the latest pelagic seabird trip offshore from Tutukaka (in Northland, New Zealand). Conditions on the day were mostly fine, with a good steady SW wind (10 to 15 knots) and a 1.5m swell.

The highlight was 3 Westland Petrels coming to the back of the boat and hanging around for quite a while for great views - they are rarely seen off northern NZ so we had a very happy crew onboard. This is a new species for The Petrel Station tours, and we've now recorded 49 different tube-nose seabird species, and 66 seabird species in total!

Other highlights of the trip were:

  • 5 species of Albatross

  • 7 x Wilson's Storm Petrel, and 40 x NZ Storm Petrel, dancing around the boat throughout the day

During the trip we saw 22 different seabird species, and enjoyed watching just over 2,300 stunning seabirds in total! The full seabird species list is below.

If you’re interested in coming out to The Petrel Station then check out the upcoming trip dates and get in touch – it’s always a great day out.

Here’s the full trip results from the day:

Seabirds seen:

  • 3 x Northern Royal Albatross

  • 3 x White-capped Albatross

  • 3 x Campbell Albatross

  • 1 x Black-browed Albatross

  • 1 x Buller's Albatross

  • 2 x Northern Giant Petrel

  • 830 x Fairy Prion

  • 45 x Black Petrel

  • 3 x Westland Petrel

  • 70 x Flesh-footed Shearwater

  • 8 x Grey-faced Petrel

  • 45 x Buller's Shearwater

  • 60 x Fluttering Shearwater

  • 40 x New Zealand Storm Petrel

  • 7 x Wilson's Storm Petrel

  • 600 x Common Diving Petrel

  • 250 x Australasian Gannet

  • 52 x Grey Ternlet

  • 265 x Red-billed Gull

  • 3 x Black-backed Gull

  • 32 x Pied Shag

  • 1 x Little Pied Shag

Other marine life included:

  • 10 x NZ Fur Seals

  • 1 tiny Flying Fish


13 May 2023


18 Mar 2023