10 Aug 2019


Had an awesome day at 'The Petrel Station' on our latest pelagic seabird trip out of Tutukaka (in northern New Zealand). Conditions were very strong NW winds blowing (around 20+ knots) and 2–2.5 metre swells.

Highlight was approx 90 Grey-faced petrels and lots of Fairy prions that were flying and soaring everywhere round and round the boat (often within a metre of us) for most of the time out deep which was a stunning sight. Some Cooks turned up every now and then, and the 4 Mollymawk (Albatross) species put on their usual impressive displays, but it was the general chaos of the scene that was so spectacular.

During the trip we saw 17 different seabird species, and over 1,000 seabirds in total.

If you’re interested in coming out to The Petrel Station then check out the upcoming trip dates and get in touch – it’s always a great day out.

Here’s the full trip results from the day:

Seabirds seen:

  • 5 x White-capped mollymawk

  • 2 x Black-browed mollymawk

  • 1 x Campbells mollymawk

  • 1 x Buller's mollymawk

  • 1 x Northern Giant petrel

  • 200+ x Fairy prion

  • 75 x Fluttering shearwater

  • 10 x Little shearwater

  • 10 x Cook's pretrel

  • 90+ x Gray-faced petrel

  • 1 x White-faced storm petrel

  • 80 x Common diving petrel

  • 500 x Gannet

  • 43 x Pied shag

  • 1 x Little black shag

  • 25 x Red-billed gull

  • 6 x Black-backed gull

Other marine life:

  • 38 x NZ Fur seals


6 Oct 2019


19 May 2019